You’ve carted in your provisions, checked all your gauges, and idled away from the dock…. only to realize that you forgot to offer your furry first mate a pre-voyage sniff around the fire hydrant. Enter the City Loo, an all-in-one puppy pad bathroom system that aims to cut down on onshore stops and keeps you cruising in style. Although she conceived her first prototype for urban-dwelling dogs to utilize in condos or apartments between walks (and to aid their humans in avoiding damp, dark nighttime treks around the block), CityLoo founder Anastasia Miles realized there might be an untapped market for her product after a visit to the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show in 2021. Brokers and boaters there clamored for it, and it’s little wonder why: Crafted from medium-density fiberboard with clear acrylic walls, stainless steel hinges, and an interchangeable dog door entrance, the sleek system is perfect for placement on the aft deck or in the salon, measuring a compact 21” high by 29” wide and 21” deep. Owners can pop in their own turf or absorbent pads or snap up some of City Loo’s selection of add-on options, which include a high-grade odor absorbent tray. “As someone who loves boating and my dog, Coco; I think this is a game-changing solution,” says Miles. “It’s convenient, looks great, and it’ll keep you out on the water for longer, too.” The City Loo retails for $299; more details and product information can be found at:
Kate Calamusa
Editor Kate Calamusa has spent the past 15 years as a lifestyle writer in Seattle, covering everything from food to fashion, weddings to the wonders of the Northwest, and now, the amazing local maritime industry. Formerly the Lifestyle Editor at Seattle magazine, her client roster includes Alaska Airlines, Luly Yang Couture, Alvin Goldfarb Jeweler and Bella Luna Farms. Say hi any time:
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