The Winds Are Yours // $79+, Android & iOS If you want a weather app that goes all out, the PredictWind app may become an on-the-water mainstay for you. This …
New Products
Weather Cleats by Antal // $308.08 These versatile cleats will keep your lines tidy and in perfect order. With a flick of the wrist you can open or close the …
HydroView Sport ROV // $5,795 Civilian drones have taken over the skies, and now remotely operated vehicles (ROVs, aka, submarines) are available to the common person to explore the deep. …
PureWater by Forespar // $189.95 This ingenious potable water system for your boat made its debut last month at the Newport International Boat Show. Forespar, a leader in hardware and …
Magma Serving Shelf // $65.99 So you’ve got your Magma barbecue mounted on your boat, loaded with ribs, chicken, or the gigantic fish you just caught. But where are you …
NOAA SuperRes Radar HD // $3.99, iOS Tap into the awesome weather radar capabilities of NOAA with the NOAA SuperRes Radar HD app. This app is made so you know …
Object/Interface Boat Blanket // $185.00 Fall is in the air, and it gets chilly with the wind in your hair as you watch the sun dip into the water. You …
TackingMaster // $75.00 This “wristwatch” is really a tactical navigation device that collaborates with your compass to make it easier to understand and anticipate wind changes and trends during regatta …
WeatherFlow smartphone weather meter // $79.99 This Bluetooth-compatible miniature device, used with your smartphone, allows you to collect real-time wind, temperature, humidity, dew point, heat index, wind chill, and pressure …
Orbit 20 Jellyfish Aquarium // $380.00 You might just be the first person on your block to own this unique six-gallon aquarium with a built-in LED that changes colors by …
JetSurf Motorized Surfboards // $12,500+ Do you feel the need for speed? We noticed the JetSurf booth at the Seattle Boats Afloat Show, and we had to dig a little …
Bento Interlocking Bowls // $18.99+ Forget about hauling the dog food bag, extra water, and bag of treats on your next outing with Fido (or even your cat). These interlocking …