Our friends at Boat US are having a competition. As you can see from the video, above, there are new ideas out there for life jackets, and it’s definitely time. Go to the Boat US web page to see all of submissions and vote for your favorite. And don’t forget to wear the life jacket you already have, and by all means get those kids in life jackets!
ANNAPOLIS, Md., June 25, 2015 – If you’ve ever worn a life jacket and thought how its design or styling could be better, now is your chance to be heard. The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water and the Personal Floatation Device Manufacturers Association are asking boaters to vote now for their favorite new life jacket design entry in the 2015 “Innovation in Life Jacket Design Competition” at Facebook.com/BoatUSFoundation or BoatUS.org/design/vote.The public has until July 8 to submit their vote and is encouraged to vote once a day for their favorite design.
The goal of the competition is to rethink a 100-year-old design, seek out the newest technologies and design innovations and develop interest in newer, more versatile life jackets. Design entries are judged on the following criteria: innovation, wearability, value/affordability, reliability, versatility and practicality.
Of the nearly 250 contest submissions from as far away as Mongolia and New Zealand, 14 were selected for public voting. “The judges want to know what the boating public is looking for in a new life jacket design or style, and your vote will also factor into the final overall score,” said BoatUS Foundation Outreach Manager Alanna Keating.
At stake is a $10,000 first prize, $3,000 for second and $2,000 for third. Winners will be announced at the International Boatbuilders Exhibition trade show in Louisville, KY in September.
For more information, go to www.BoatUS.org/design.