Home Paddles, Oars and Boards Paddles Welcome in Northern Century Race

Paddles Welcome in Northern Century Race

by Kurt Hoehne


Human Power may be used at any time for any purpose, including but not limited to favorable positionng and gaining distance toward the finish. Oars, paddles, and pedals are all allowed, and shall not change the PHRF rating of the boat.

That one amendment to the Northern Century Race’s Notice of Race may be the start of something quite revolutionary, an alternative to racing sailors drifting (or anchoring) in agonizing frustration until the fickle winds of our area reappear. This concept is far from new, and in fact was used very successfully with the R2AK race last month. But for keelboats in a PHRF scored race, this is novel. The boats utilizing human power will be scored in a separate division. The race is scheduled for August 21-23.n100pic
I’m looking forward to the discussion on this topic. Some keelboats can be paddled effectively while some can not. Undoubtedly systems will be developed. Will rowers be recruited? Ooh the barroom discussions that will go on.

The Northern Century is a good event for testing a human powered division, as August winds can be, shall we say, quite fickle.  For more information, click on the graphic at right.


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