Winter is a great time to learn a thing or two, and the Corinthian Yacht Club of Seattle hosts a fantastic series of free, open to the public talks dubbed “The February Speaker Series” meant to inspire your next adventure. February Fridays (the 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th) are booked up with a stellar lineup that includes Gary Purdom (2007-2008 Clipper Around the World Race winner) alongside Lizabeth Rose who is actively training for the 2017 edition of the race. Also scheduled are talks about the Sanderson’s family cruise adventure, Joshua Wheeler’s Flicka journey to the West Coast of Vancouver Island, and Mad Dog Racing team from the phenomena known as R2AK, the engine-less race from Port Townsend to Ketchikan, Alaska.
A Social Hour begins at 1800 hours and an open bar and food is available for $6 to boot. The programs are from 1900 hours to 2100 hours at the Corinthian Yacht Club clubhouse, located in the north end of Shilshole Bay Marina in Seattle. Check out for more details.